The Youth Main Power in the Field of Unemployment (The M Power) is a Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The M Power was created as the solution for rising social exclusion among youth toward youth with fewer opportunities, migrants, refugees, foreigners, lowering confidence in youth especially those who are excluded, low employment and entrepreneurship initiatives among youth. Education and training are key determinants of success in the labour market. The objective of skills training interventions for youth is to develop or update employment- relevant competences and skills. This way, youth are more interesting for employers to hire, and are generally better equipped to find and keep a decent job. The project was created as the solution for rising social exclusion among youth toward youth with fewer opportunities, migrants, refugees, foreigners, lowering confidence in youth especially those who are excluded, low employment and entrepreneurship initiatives among youth.
Programme : Erasmus+
Financial Support : Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Project Duration : Starting 28 October 2020 to 27th October 2022
Project Reference : 619156-EPP-1-2020-1-PL-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA
EU Grant : 149,840.00 EUR
Key Action : Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia

The main objective is to help young migrants and refugees keep their jobs or develop pathways to employment through matching them with trained mentors that suit their needs. Supported employers to improve their cultural awareness and break down cultural barriers. The project objective is to mobilize youth refugees and migrants themselves, primarily in search of employment opportunities in agriculture, mining and other industries. At the individual level, a refugee -despite having skills and motivation to work – can face multiple challenges in gaining meaningful employment, which can feed disillusionment and a loss of self-esteem
- To development of the organizations’ potential, establishment and management of informal youth groups while increasing the level of their recognition and participation
- To combining the assumptions of formal education with its non-formal counterpart
- To combining non-verbal communication methods (theatre, drama) with the possibilities offered by communication through the use of modern technologies (IT)
- To greater participation of educators at local and regional level (level 7 in the context of Hart’s ladder)
- To innovative work approach, with social inclusion using tools and methodologies, based on the creation of methods based on drama / theatre and IT

- 3 Workshops that will be implemented in 4 local communities of all partners: in Wieliczka (Poland), Tarragona (Spain), Nepal (Kathmandu), Vietnam (Hanoi). youth workers and educators 32 participants from 4 organizations
- at least 2 online sessions as part of virtual mobility”, aimed at establishing a guide to the basics of good practices, structures. Creation and discussion of practices regarding the tasks and objectives of the project containing problems related to the informal group of young people;
- 3 meetings prepared with educators to participate in mixed mobility;
- 21 educators, youth workers and mobility experts during the project;
- 64 Youthpass certificates issued to persons during combined mobility education;
- group, monthly reports created by two groups and placed on the Facebook group
- at least 13 educators with fewer opportunities directly involved in Blended Mobility;
- interviews and articles in the media (at least 12)

- at least 6,000 young people, but also youth workers and experts indirectly concern the products and results of the project;
- learning and passing on new good practices related to working with excluded persons to other
organizations and institutions in partner countries - meeting new cultures and countries
- deepening relations with partners
- at least 64 good practices that will be exchanged; presented during the project
- documentary record on the subject of intercultural facilitation through the prism of educators
- group work and work involving contacts through new media and the internet
- a page on Facebook and YouTube where visitors will be able to comment and take an active
part in our work - short films that will be posted by the project implementer

Supported employers to improve their cultural awareness and break down cultural barriers. The project objective is to mobilize youth refugees and migrants themselves, primarily in search of employment opportunities in agriculture, mining and other industries. At the individual level, a refugee – despite having skills and motivation to work – can face multiple challenges in gaining meaningful employment, which can feed disillusionment and a loss of self-esteem. Refugees on temporary and permanent protection visas have, by definition, demonstrated considerable resilience in the face of persecution due to their race, religion, nationality, gender, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. If offered the right opportunities, they can build on their strengths, address their challenges, and be part of the contribution that refugees and others in the past have made to the social, cultural and economic benefits.
Being able to secure employment at a level commensurate with their skills and experience is one of the markers that we can use to assess this contribution. The evidence explored here points to persistent disparities for refugees with permanent protection visas, in terms of labor market integration, that are likely to be exacerbated for those with temporary protection visas. Work to improve equality offers a useful way for framing a common purpose to address these disparities for refugees with temporary and permanent protection visas. Read more details
For project web page https://www.youthmpower.com/