Youth force is the change agent of political, economic and social changes in any country. The present developed and developing countries seem to have achieved progress in development and construction through the quantitative and qualitative development of the young human resources. In the development and progress of every country the contribution of the youth has occupied a prominent place. Even though Nepal seems to be in a position where it has an opportunity to enter the golden era of affluence and development taking advantage of the youth demographic benefits, the desired level of changes could not be achieved in the economic and social sectors due to the political transition.
It is the need of today to move forward confronting the existing problems and challenges relating to youth development on the basis of evaluation of the present status of the Nepali youth and internalizing the available prospects and opportunities. “Youth Vision and Initiative” and long term strategic plan and programs have been designed to fulfill that very need. To prepare competent human resources for turning the nation from a least developed one into a fast developing nation by achieving national affluence, equality and social justice within next ten years through common youth’s participation, collaboration and leadership development and by making huge investment in the youth development sector including life-friendly education, employment, health and social security, making the Nepalese youth strong, competent, competitive and self-reliant, to build a modern, just and affluent Nepal through their meaningful participation and promotion of their leadership capacity.
The mentorship component of the program would match participants with community members who would serve as models, guides, coaches, and confidants for the youth. Mentor-participant relationships would vary depending on the needs and goals of the particular pairs. Mentors might assist program participants in developing specific skills, meeting particular people in the community, and providing support for overall personal and leadership development while youth are involved in the program. Staff would recruit potential mentors and provide training regarding the mentor‘s role. Staff would also match mentors with participants, and would facilitate the process of having the pair negotiate what each would contribute to and ask of the relationship.
Young Professional Development Society Nepal is a non-governmental organization which was launched in 2010 with the aim to promote youth leadership and empowerment documentation of youth programmes, research and development beneficial to youths around the world. Through a variety of our programmes we seek to engage, empower and educate young people on range of issues, as well as give them the opportunity to share best practices, networking and learning through people-to-people exchange.
YPDSN seeks to create opportunities for youth to get involved and grow, regardless of where they are in the world. Our activities include engagement in dialogues, conferences, training, seminars, exchange programmes, consultative and knowledge based research. Our activities support our programmes in knowledge sharing, capacity building, civic engagement, educational and cultural exchanges, local outreach programmes among others.