Young professional development society Nepal (YPDSN) is a non-government, non-profitable and non-political organization. YPDSN is youth charity organization. It has been serve community level outreach activities focus on youth, education, health and social advancement. It mainly focuses on research of young professionalism and launches various programmes for the youth. Moreover, it Includes different programmes of participation and involvement of young in agriculture, good education for both male And female, socio-cultural and economic advancement, primary health, preservation of environment and so on.
An our gallery is a intangible assets of YPDSN and it’s activities. This gallery has display YPDSN outreach activities and performance of permanent exhibitions of works of art in it. This galleries will help you all to engage with our activities and service community, and let them see the value of creative work. It will also give you an opportunity to get involved and explore their own creativity, which is something that many don’t get the chance to do. This gallery do this by making it easier for people to get information about how their country is being run, helping the public communicate with external development partners and our audiance.