About the Organization :
The Young Professional Development Society Nepal (YPDSN) is a registered nonprofit, non-governmental organization working on professional development, youth and women empowerment, education, and livelihood promotion. YPDSN aspires to improve the living conditions of poor and marginalized people by adopting strategies through community initiative, participation, and sensitization. It was founded in 2013 and has been working among backward communities in the interior and unreached pockets on the coast of Nepal. Women’s self-support groups have been taken as the base for all interventions and SDG activities, enabling them to contribute towards the mainstream of the development process.
The social and cultural boundaries that have long distinguished childhood, youth, and adulthood are rapidly changing. Children are physically developing earlier and faster, and because of social media, they have access to a virtual world outside their immediate families and communities. They are growing up in a world more culturally diverse. The transition period from childhood to adulthood is becoming extended and more complex. The transition from education to employment reflects these complexities in particular. Traditionally, young people moved from formal education or training to work, with gender and socioeconomic background as major determining factors. Today, education and work often occur simultaneously, and retraining or lifelong learning is becoming a feature of adult life.
Young men and women are particularly affected by development challenges at all levels, frequently faced with disproportionately high levels of unemployment, insufficient access to education and professional training, intolerance, and exclusion, among others. This is all the more important in cities where increased urbanization has further accentuated these challenges for young people. Young professionals and leaders can contribute to local development and prosperity. Culture is a bridge between tradition and modernity. Who have the interest, energy, and passion to address issues and concerns, such as heritage management, sustainable tourism, local development, and community involvement. An affinity for information and communication technologies to network and transcend geographical boundaries. YPDSN is a youth NGO in Nepal and is positioned to act as a potent agent of positive social change that will yield greater economic and social well-being in the perspective of sustainable development for generations to come.
Vision :
A society where youth have equal opportunity to realize their fullest potential is to productively participate in economic, social, political, and cultural life without fear or favor.
Mission :
The overall mission of YPDSN is to promote youth participation in democratic processes as well as in community and civic affairs and to ensure that youth programs engage the youth and are youth-centered.
Our Aim :
Our main aim is to provide youth with professional skills, development, and learning opportunities for poor and excluded society generations focused on strengthening them. We plan to achieve our aim by developing, testing, and delivering evidence-based, feasible, and cost-effective interventions related to professional and social development with greater involvement of youth programs and communities. We support government initiatives aimed at poverty reduction in line with the Sustainable Development Goals and targets.
Strategic and functional areas
Youth Empowerment
- Provides equal opportunities for youth to productively participate in all processes of national development.
- Enables the youth to realize their full potential.
- Reflects youth issues in all relevant policies and policy documents.
Education and training
- Accessibility to affordable and quality formal and non-formal education and career counseling for youth ensured.
- Grant special priority to the youths who want to take vocational training and skill-oriented education.
- Equip the youth with relevant skills for the labor market.
Employment Creation
- Actively promote youth employment at national, provincial, district,, and constituency levels.
- Reduce the level of unemployment among the youth by 10 percent annually.
- Increase the involvement of youth in the main economic growth sectors, e.g., construction, manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, and ICT.
- To promote and support youth-friendly programs aimed at responsible sexual behavior.
- To establish youth health clubs for creating an easy environment to have discussions on youth health and to conduct coeval education programs.
- To make arrangements for the availability of a youth health expert on demand from such clubs.
- To implement awareness programs and provide information about matters like healthy environments for healthy lives, healthy food and lifestyles for healthy lives, and procreative health.
- To launch awareness programs for protecting adolescent boys and girls against sexual violence likely to occur against them at the workplace
- Promote active participation of the youth in the protection of their environment.
- Increase innovation in environmental management.
Youth and Media
- Improve access to information for the youth.
- Enhance employment opportunities for the youth in the media sector.
Arts and Culture
- Facilitate the promotion of local arts and culture among the youth.
- Ensure the protection of local arts and culture.
- Enhance the contribution of arts and culture to the national economy.
Sport and Recreation
- Ensure accessibility to sporting and recreational facilities in communities and villages.
- Enhance the social responsibility of the youth through the use of sports.
- Promote traditional games for tourism promotion and as a means of culture preservation.
Working modalities and partnerships :
YPDSN will be working on the youth development program by implementing organizational collaboration with the country government. We work in collaboration with the government, INGOs, NGOs, and community groups as relevant. Moreover, we collaborate with local governance, private professional development, care providers and teaching institutions, young professional organizations, and corporate sectors for the effective implementation of its programs.
A multitude and diversity of stakeholders have to become active participants in the process of making the National Youth Policy a reality.
- These include the relevant line ministries that have been assigned the responsibility to achieve many of the outputs of the action plan.
- It also includes the policies and plans proposed by YPDSN as the body representing the interests of the youth and youth-serving organizations.
- Other stakeholders are development partners, NGOs and CBOs, local and district authorities, the private sector, and the media, as well as individual experts in the thematic areas.
Geographical coverage :
Nepal is a landlocked country in the world. It is divided by nature into three physical features: mountains, hills, and tarai. Nepal is divided into seven federal structures (Provinces 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7), that, 6 metropolitan cities, 11 sub-metropolitan cities, 276 municipalities, 460 village municipal councils, and 753 local-level government bodies. We work across the nation to implement different research projects and youth professional development programs. We will be implementing different activities to support GoN in Nepal. The direct implementation of this organization is also program-based activity, operational research, young professional capacity building, and strengthening them. Nepal is divided into five development regions (Eastern, Central, Western, Midwestern, and Far Western regions), and like that, there are 14 zones & 75 districts. We work across the nation to implement different research projects and youth professional development programs. We will be implementing different activities to support GoN in Nepal. The direct implementation of this organization is also program-based activity, operational research, young professional capacity building, and strengthening them.
Significance of Organization Development:
Young people should be respected, valued, and listened to and be supported and reinforced to build personal and social relationships and develop their innate abilities and talents for the benefit of themselves, their communities, and society. In seeking to realize this vision for the future of young people, the following overarching values shall inform all aspects of the national youth policy and its implementation. Respect for the individuality, worth, and dignity of all young people regardless of their beliefs, ethnicity, physical and mental capacities, socioeconomic background, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, and gender expression; for the right to have their voices heard and to be informed on all issues that concern them; and for the right to determine their own future and happiness.
Recognition of the beliefs, culture, and shared experiences of the people of Nepal and the rights and principles enshrined in the Constitution of Nepal 2015, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Examining the progress in each & every corner of the world, it is proved that political instability is sound and a nation is developed. The government policy also inspires young people towards entrepreneurship and the advancement of science & technology. As a result, they take the initiative and become enthusiastic about creating a perfect society and nation, as anticipated. We believe that this organization can play a vital role in nation-building in Nepal as well. Finally, it succeeds in achieving its goal.
Non-Profit, Non-Governmental Organization :
- Registered with the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Home, District Administration Office, Kathmandu, on January 16, 2014, under section (4) of the organization registration Act, 2034 B.S. (1977 A.D.) with registration number: 414/070/71 B.S.
- Registered with the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development, District Development Committee, Kathmandu, on January 08, 2014, with registration number 591/070/71.
- Registered with the Social Welfare Council, Kathmandu, on January 21, 2014, under section 13 of the Social Welfare Council Act, 2049 B.S. (1992 A.D.), with registration number 38571.
- Registered with the Government of Nepal, Ministry of Finance, Inland Revenue Department, Kathmandu, on January 21, 2014, with Permanent Account Number (PAN): 601602555.