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Young Leaders World Forum (YLWF) is a Capacity Building in the field of Youth, Programme Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. YLWF promote and encourage, support and enhance the value of proposals by the younger generations and offer them tools and spaces to become a pro-active and decisive role. Excellent programs must be based on clearly articulated values and a philosophy which reflects those values. This model is based on valuing and promoting growth and learning, collaboration, inclusivity, diversity, openness, creativity, flexibility, innovation, and harmony. It also uses a systems approach which defines leadership as a complex system involving the skills, abilities, and knowledge of the “leader”, the skills, abilities, and knowledge of the “followers” and the context in which all interact. This means that each member of a group has both the potential and responsibility to be a “leader” contributing her/his unique skills, perspectives, and ideas to make the group effective.

The model is also based on several assumptions. The first is that leadership development is important because it provides members of a group with the skills, knowledge and abilities they need to more effectively work together to deal with issues facing a community or group, and that the more skilled the members of the group are, the more likely the group will be to develop creative and successful solutions to difficult issues

This model is designed to directly involve youth generation. This age group targets youth who are old enough and mature enough to comprehend the complexity of skills, knowledge, and understanding needed for effective leadership; to have a basic knowledge of the community in which they live and the issues facing that community; and to have the intellectual capability, creativity, and human relations skills to be involved in planning and conducting service projects in the community. It is important that participants be chosen through a selective application and interview process. This ensures that participants are strongly motivated to be actively involved, that they are committed to participate in all program activities, and that the community and their peers recognize their motivation, commitment and potential. 

Programme : Erasmus+

Financial Support : Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Project Duration : Starting 10 October 2020 to 15 October 2022

Project Reference : 617978-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA

EU Grant : 149,278 EUR

Key Action : Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Action Type: Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia

Project Objectives:

1) Encouraging the exchange of knowledge, skills and advice among young leaders;

2) Defining values, ideas, actions and proposals of young leaders

3) Transfer know-how to potential young leaders to acquire skills to improve their leadership;

4) impact more on youth policies;

Consortium Partners

ASSOCIAZIONE SOS EUROPA – Rome, Italy – Coordinator


Asociación Multideportiva Euexia – SPAIN

Asociatia Tinerilor cu Initiativa Civica – Romania

Cooperative de Turismo and Promoção Social – Brasil

DISHA International Foundation Trust – India

Kultur und Art Initiative e.V. – Germany

Organisation for Strategic Development in Africa – Ghana

PROACTING – Associação para a Promoção do Empreendedorismo e Empregabilidade -PORTUGAL

Young Professional Development Society Nepal – Nepal

Youth Horizons – Greece

Expected results :

1) Creation of a community that contains: profile of Young leaders, exchange of good practices, advice and insights and exchange of ideas suggestions.

2) Creation of a generational “manifesto”

3) Encouraging the emergence of new young leaders,

4) Promote campaigns and/or advocacy on the subject.

If you want to learn more detail about the project. Please visit project web page following link and details.


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