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COP26 Global Youth Letter on Young People, Cultural Relations and Climate Action” is a multi country initiative project for Youth. Developing Innovation Community Empowerment (DICE), Aspect UK, Catalyst in Communities, UK is project consortium. Hyper Voice project has initiating more than 23 countries. YPDSN Nepal is project partner for Nepal and COP26 Hyper Voice activities on behalf of consortium. YPDSN has been conducting operational research and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) between youth. We “highlight examples of good practice, implementation gaps and challenges, and priorities for action,” to ensure that youth voices are adequately reflected in the FGD. The project aims to deliver the youth voice for feeding into the Pre-COP 26 (Milan 30 Sept-2 Oct 2021) and COP26 summit which will be held in Glasgow between 1-12 November 2021 .  Using a crowdsourcing methodology, combined with relevant and appropriate analogue approaches to access hard to reach cohorts of young people (18-25)


Climate Change is one of the biggest threats facing the World today. This year there will be the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26 – Glasgow 1-12 November) a summit that will bring parties together to accelerate action towards reducing climate impact. There will also be a youth summit called Pre-COP26 in Milan (30 Sept – 2 October). The British Council and DCL Consultants believe all sections of the community should have a voice and the right to have that voice heard. Especially young people, who will inherit the future! We know that the solutions to any communities’ challenges must come from within that community.

This is the reason the research team is requesting you to kindly complete this survey – so we can reflect your, and other young people’s views, from across the World at Pre-COP26 and COP26 and ensure the Youth Voice is heard loud and clear. We can assure you that your data will be anonymized (nobody will be able to identify any person completing this survey) but by completing the survey you will be ensuring your Voice is added to all those other Global Young People demanding change and action on climate change. The Global Youth Voice Team Thanks You for your time and commitment to action on climate change and helping us understand how young people feel about Climate Change and the action being taken by governments and global leaders.

Mobilising and expanding existing youth networks through in-country partners to support the collation of the youth voice by application of a crowdsourcing methodology to support creation of Global Youth Letter to be presented at COP26 conference and other activities in November 2021 (Glasgow: 1 – 12). Key Output: Youth and Climate Perceptions from each country (15-25 years) on climate change; implications on lives, livelihoods, futures etc.; building individual and community resilience; the survey aims to gain a better understanding of how young women and girls are impacted by climate change and means of increasing their sense of agency to drive change.

Building a robust and representative dataset from diverse countries, as per the targets, calls for an effective localised methodology. The team and network of partners have been primed in terms of the application of crowdsourcing methodologies, while, the project team is working with each of the partner countries in line with their tabled risk matrixes to mitigate identified risks.  Throughout the project the central team will engage through the project basecamp and ensure that all risks are mitigated and all channels of communication are open between the delivery tea, the partners country teams, and the Council team.


The objectives of this focused group discussion are listed as below:


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