GLOBAL HEROES is a platform that provides opportunities for young people who are committed to develop a better world. We enable you to feel abroad and contribute to the world and discharge your talents and skills by work in team on Nepal social project. We dare you to expand your limits, challenge you to get out of your comfort zone, and engage in short-term volunteer programs on small micro-economic, healthcare, and human development. Together we will change the way you see and understand the word.
Global Heroes Programme is, a platform of the best opportunities for young people, that was conducted for the first time in Nepal. This programme started from 26 August to 30 August, 2017. It enabled young people to feel abroad and contribute to the world and exchange their talents and skills by work in team on Nepal social project. We, the team of YPDSN, implemented the program effectively and efficiently in collaboration with YOUCAN INDONESIA.
Similarly, it will expand youths’ limits and will challenge them to get out of their comfort zone, and engage in in short-term volunteer programmes on small micro-economic, healthcare, and human development. Also, it will change the way the youth see and understand the world. Likewise, it will launch social empowerment programme to develop economy, education and public health of rural areas. Even, it will enhance the capacity of entrepreneurship along with youth’s skills and knowledge.
- Increasing participant awareness and social sensitivity towards the general issues and a sense of simplicity and thank to the God-given circumstances.
- Forming good personality by grinding tenacity, work ethic, sense of responsibility, and highlight the position of leadership, entrepreneurship, and self-reliance.
- To see and understanding the social problems in the world.
Improving Nepal Human Development Index by improving the quality of human resources with an integrated approach in the field of education, economy, healthcare.
Strengthen the sense of brotherhood as a fellow human being and continue to inflame hopes to achieve a better standard of living.
Uphold the principle of society learning and the learning community of the rural communities in order to have a competitive advantage in a competitive, both nationally and globally
Help the government agencies concerned, such as the Department of Education, Department of Health, and other agencies to provide empowerment to rural communities.