Objectives of the Training
The major objectives of the training were set as follows:
At the end of the training, the participants will be able to describe:
• Explain the National TB Program
• Describe the burden of TB
• Define what TB is including its classification and definition
• Describe TB case detection and diagnosis
• Describe the treatment of TB
• Explain childhood TB
• Discuss about MDR TB
• Discuss on TB HIV, TB Tobacco and TB and Diabetes
• Describe the management of TB program
Training Modalities
The three days training was conducted from 6-8 January 2020. The modalities
used for the training were:
1) Presentation/Lecture: This was the major training modality where the
facilitators displayed the presentation on their respective topics/subjects.
The facilitators explained the subject matter to the participants.
2) Reviews and Group Discussions: The participants were divided into different
groups to discuss certain issues/cases and were asked to present in the
group. This modality also facilitated interaction among the training
participants. individual review was also conducted.
3) Games and Energizers: The training also incorporated some games and
energizers between the sessions. This helped the participants to have some
refreshing time between the training sessions.